We are really pleased to announce the kinking off of a new Lab at CivicWise. Thinkcommons will be supporting this lab promoting and streaming his public meetings. The first one will take place the next 29th of August at 20h (GMT +02:00).
If you want to take part actively in this Lab you should join our Telegram channel here.
What is commoning Lab?
The idea of commons has transformed from its starting point as a way to manage natural resources into a wider discourse around spatial dynamics, of especially urban areas. Stavrides describes common space as “a set of spatial relations produced by commoning practices.” This definition focuses on the process rather than the end product as a commons. The main challenge is to start the commoning process first and keep it open for newcomers and new possibilities. And it is in this process that commons emerges. Going beyond the conventional understanding of public and private, Commons is an environment for all, created to be shared by all. The idea of ownership is transcended and inter-dependency is valued over individual uses.
Why Commoning Lab?
It is widely argued that there are three main ingredients of Commons: resources, community and the rules of appropriation. The main idea behind the Commoning Lab is to define and if necessary find new ways of distribution of resources through activating the community to start sharing spaces and set their protocols. The Lab generates knowledge to act as a catalyst to boost the collective intelligence of the community by becoming part of it at the start of the commoning process until the commoning process becomes self-run by the community. By continuously monitoring the commoning processes, the lab redefines its role again and again in order to perfect its work that is to be replicated in other spaces.
How will we form and maintain our own commoning process within the lab?
The main functioning of the Commoning Lab follows up the main protocols of CivicWise as Commons is already inherent in the network. We have started inviting people working on Commons, through Telegram and Slack. These two and hangouts are the way to follow the main internal communication. Moreover, to open up the discussion we’ll organize hangouts with people out of CivicWise with knowledge and experience on Commons. This process will provide the openness of the lab and hopefully will expand the community of the lab.